What is Xeriscaping?
Have you heard the term “xeriscaping?” Xeriscaping is a unique approach to landscaping that promotes water conservation.
It involves the selection of certain plants and grasses, as well as mulch, soil, and other materials that require little or no supplemental watering once established. Xeriscaping can also incorporate techniques such as drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting to further reduce water usage.
This type of landscaping is not just cactus and gravel.
Most people associate this type of landscaping with ugly expanses of cactus and gravel, but that could not be far from the truth. Xeriscaping calls for the planting of naturally occurring trees and shrubbery densely into small compact areas, that can range from a size of a tennis court to a parking space. These pocket forests increase biodiversity, reduce noise (if placed near streets or noise polluters), improve air quality and soil retention, help with reforestation, and efficiently capture carbon dioxide.
Why should I invest in this type of landscaping?
You might be thinking, “We live in Corpus Christi. We have all the water in the world!” But this is a misconception as usable water for landscaping may be scarce, especially in times of famine or drought. It also saves a ton of water and lowers water utility bills for residential or commercial properties all over Corpus Christi. In fact, xeriscapes can reduce water consumption by 60% or more compared to regular lawn landscapes. While evaluating the cost of annual maintenance and park construction, xeriscaping drastically lowers these costs by roughly 55% and 57%, respectively.
Save time, money and resources with xeriscaping.
Aside from occasional weeding and mulching, xeriscaping requires far less time and effort to maintain, saving time, money, energy, and resources while still having an attractive outdoor space! Additionally, xeriscaped yards and spaces often require less maintenance than traditionally landscaped yards since the xeric plants are designed for their tolerance of low-water conditions.
So consider xeriscaping away – it’s great for the environment! Fischer Landscaping has an attention to detail, the right eye for design, and experience recommending the correct plants, grasses, and materials to help you xeriscape or landscape today.
Give us a call at (361) 331-1758 to discuss ideas and options for xeriscaping or landscaping for your residential or commercial property!